Join us! Let's jump into the conversation together. We want to highlight the strengths in Philadelphia's different health sciences sectors while peeking into the future of healthcare tech!
Hear from a panel of industry leaders about how they’re activating current health technologies and what innovative ventures are being pursued to fill in the blanks. Enjoy live demonstrations from tomorrow's leading sciences startups. Then end the day with a happy hour and a chance to meet the various groups that presented during the day.
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | Registration & Networking
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Innovation in Health Sciences Panel Discussion
- Cheryl Bettigole, MD, MPH - Director of Get Healthy Philly the Division of Chronic Disease Prevention of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- Vidur Bhatnagar - Founder & CEO at Keriton
- David Hindin MD - Doctor, Technologist & Founder at Invented Magazine
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Lightning Demonstrations
- Exo-Skin Glove - Professors Genevieve Dion and Andrew Cohen, Mike Koerner, Biomedical Engineering BS, '17
- Lilypad - Professors Gabriela Marcu and James Connell
- ImmERge Labs - Alfredo Almodovar
- A virtual reality sudden cardiac arrest training system to improve bystander response during emergencies. It is an immersive, multisensory (audio, visual, tactile) VR system.
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | Demo Happy Hour - Food, drinks, networking and a chance to meet the demoing companies up close and personal
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Be sure to check out all Philly Tech Week 2017 events! #PTW17